Saturday, September 1, 2007

Sad News

Matt and I received a letter today from Compassion International letting us know that Michelle and her family have moved away and she can no longer be a part of the project. We have been sponsoring her for over 2 years, so this is really hard for Matt and I. However, it seems that this move is a good thing for her family. And we are confident that God will continue to bless them and be an active part of their lives.

The timing of all of this is very interesting, seeing that we just picked up another child less than 2 weeks ago. It's funny how God works sometimes, isn't it? Because of recent job shifts, Matt and I have decided to wait until our finances balance back out before we pick up another child. We want to sponsor another South American girl, possibly a girl from the same project.

Please pray for Michelle and her family. Pray that this move will be a blessing. And pray that their faith will grow. Please pray for Matt and I over the next few months in our decision to sponsor another child. Pray that when we are ready that God will let us know and that we can bless another child's life.

1 comment:

adam said...

you guyz are so cool...
i love this blog. great news for sam. interesting how Jesus has changed what you're doing with compassion. love you guys