Monday, August 13, 2007

Prayerfully Considering...

As many of you know, my husband, Matt, just quit his job as a hotel manager at Extended Stay Hotels. We have had a few leads, but nothing solid enough to say with certainty that a new job is on the horizon. However, we are confident that God will provide for all of our needs. With all this in mind, we cannot get the idea of sponsoring another Compassion child out of our heads and our hearts. But losing 2/3 of our income with no guarantee of where that will come from complicates things just a little. Nonetheless we are now dialoguing with God regarding the possibilities of sponsoring another child. Matt really thinks we should do it now. I feel it might be wiser to wait until he is gainfully employed again. But the real question is, when does God want us to take on this new responsibility?

We ask that you, our church family, would pray alongside us. Pray that God would reveal to us when He would like us to sponsor a new child. And also pray that God would provide us the means to be able to do so. We will also be praying for those of you who have also been on the fence about sponsoring (you know who you are.) And we continue to pray that more people will prayerfully consider sponsoring a child through Compassion International. As always, for more information contact Ashley or check out Compassion's website.

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